Used Vehicle Inspections

Auto Repair and Mobile Mechanic Services

Used Vehicle Inspections Save You From Headaches

Mobile Auto Clinic specializes in doing on-site used vehicle inspections to help prevent you from buying a potential headache.  Let’s face it, auto repair nightmares can really shake up your world.  One of our trained mobile mechanics will help you make an informed buying decision before getting yourself into a lemon full of problems.

Used Vehicle Inspections run $191.17 within our service Area.  This includes a full digital vehicle inspection, a comprehensive OBD vehicle scan of all modules, as well as detailed findings the mechanic discovers.

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Mobile Mechanic On Site

We’ll send a certified mobile mechanic to the location of the vehicle to do a full analysis of the vehicle before you buy it.  Our used vehicle inspections can save thousands of dollars by eliminating the chance of buying a vehicle riddled with problems.

Computerized Diagnostics

Auto Electric Specialists

Our mobile mechanics are all highly trained in doing computer and electrical testing.  During our used vehicle inspection, we will provide a full report on any computer diagnostic codes, electrical issues, charging system problems and battery health.

A Full Vehicle Analysis

122-Point Used Vehicle Inspections

Our certified mechanics will give you a full analysis of the vehicles overall health and any auto repair issues that may be looming or hidden.

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Full Vehicle Health Report

Our used vehicle inspections come with a full report of the health of the vehicle and any issues that were found during the inspection

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Mechanical Inspections

We will carefully go over the physical components of the vehicle to determine any leaks, worn components, or hidden damage.

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Electrical System Analysis

Our trained mobile mechanics will alert you of any electrical issues, computer diagnostic codes, the health of the battery as well as the charging system.

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Remote Used Vehicle Inspections

From out of town or can’t be there for the used vehicle inspection?  That’s Okay!  Our mechanics can remotely do the inspection for you and we accept all major credit or debit cards via an online invoice or over the phone payment.  

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